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Michael Gendreau - Publication


Quotations Illuminating Paratactic Thought or Work Processes, 17 May 2003

Biographical Sketch of VITOJ, 23 August 2005

Grand Surface Noise Opera Nrs. 1 through 7 Program Notes, (text in progress) 27 January 1999


"Artist Spotlight: Michael Gendreau" by Don Campau The Living Archive of Underground Music (May 2010)
» more information
link to Don Campau's site

"Crawling With Tarts" by Rojelio Perriera Oro Molido No. 9 (September 2003)

"Globs and Monsters" article by Glenn Donaldson, S. F. Weekly (San Francisco CA), 4 October 2001
» more information
link to article at S. F. Weekly website

"Crawling With Tarts" article in the book Cult A/V Alchemy by Anes Kuo (Taipei Taiwan), March 2001, pp. 46-49

"Crawling With Tarts" interview by Rojelio Perriera Margen (Spain) No. 21 (1999)

"Crawling With Tarts" Interview Propos recueillis par Manu Holterbach, Revue & Corrigée (Grenoble France) numéro 39 (Mars 1999)

"Crawling With Tarts" interview and feature by V. Edgar Gaze into a Gloom  (Riga Latvia) No. 6 (Spring 1998)

Excerpt from "Grand Surface Noise Opera Nrs. 1 through 7" (Popwatch interview section) Supersonic Jazz  (Marseille France) Nr. 5 (March 1998)

"Splendid E-zine presents the Crawling With Tarts feature" interview by Elliott Smith Splendid (White River Junction VT) (12 March 1998)

"Micro-climat: rRope interview" interview by Manu Holterbach Revue et Corrigée (Grenoble France) Number 34 (Décembre 1997)

"rRope Slouching toward Bethlehem" interview by John Paczkowski SF Bay Guardian (Earshot Column)  (San Francisco CA) (May 1997)

"Crawling With Tarts" interview by Bob Boster Tuba Frenzy  (Chapel Hill NC) No. 3 (August 1996)

Interview and article on rRope by Patrick Lambelet, Sound Check (San Francisco CA) Vol.1 #12 (April 1996)

"Crawling With Tarts" interview by Scott Thiessen Popnausea  (Los Angeles CA) No. 2 (October 1995)

"Crawling With Tarts" interview by Elizabeth Vincentelli Option  (Los Angeles CA) No. 61 (March-April 1995)

"Conversations at the Crack o’ Dawn with Barbara Golden: Crawling with Tarts is Michael Gendreau and Suzanne Dycus" KPFA Radio 94.1 FM (September 1994)
» more information
MP3 audio clip of interview, courtesy of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community

"Crawling With Tarts Interview Responses 9.9.94" interview by Leslie Gaffney Popwatch (Somerville MA) (January 1995)

"El Amplio Alcance de una Obra" essay on CWT by Marco A. Lira Berenice  (Veracruz, México) Number 9 (November 1994)

"An Interview with Crawling With Tarts" interview by Derek ? ? Zine  (Sacramento CA) Volume 1 Number 4 (November/December 1993)

"Parataxis Notes" Phobia  (Votext Publications, Seattle WA) Number 8 (June 1993)

"Crawling With Tarts" interview by Daniel Plunkett ND  (Austin TX) Number 17 (May 1993)

"The Beat Gets Weird" interview by Terri Evans Suttertown News (Sacramento CA) Vol. XIX, No. 7 (6-13 May 1993)

(various editorial writings, concert and recording reviews as coeditor) Freeway (Berkeley CA) Volume 2 Number 5 (Spring 1993)

"An Examination of Meaning in the Clang" (excerpt) and "Parataxis Appendix  from ‘Rope’" Orchard (San Francisco CA) Number 2 (February 1993)

"On the passage of a few people through a brief moment of time: The Situationist International 1957-1972" (book review) Photostatic (Iowa City IA) Number 41 (January 1993)

"Interview with Tamio Shiraishi" Freeway Volume 2 Number 3 (September 1992)

"The art of noise" interview by Mike Rowell SF Weekly (San Francisco CA) Vol XI, No. 22 (29 July 1992)

"Program Notes for Rope, Catalog of Ships, and Loops" Satchel  (San Francisco CA) Number 3 (May 1992)

"Crawling With Tarts" interview by Bill Waid Electronic Cottage  (Apollo Beach FL) Number 4 (July 1990)

"An Interview of Suzanne Dycus and M. Gendreau of Crawling With Tarts" by Glen Thrasher Lowlife Magazine (Atlanta GA) Number 14 (1988)

"Hold This Up To Your Forehead" Le Foliegraph (R.R. Products, Grenoble France) October 1987

"These 7 monks..." (cover art) Zamisdat Trade Journal  (Boulder CO) Volume 4 (December 1985)

Youths Go Camping (Santa Cruz CA) Number 6, September 1984

Youths Go Camping Number 4, 1984

Youths Go Camping Number 3, early 1984

Youths Go Camping (Oxnard CA) Number 2, 1983

Youths Go Camping Number 1, 1983


Papers, Book and Journal Articles, and Other Publications

M. Gendreau, "Solution of noise transmission problems by in situ segregation of composite transmission factors of complex partitions using sound intensity," Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV17), Cairo, Egypt (18 to 22 July 2009)

H. Amick, B. Xiong, N. Tang, and M. Gendreau, "Voids beneath slabs-on-ground: Using the impulse-response test to verify adequate slab support," Concrete International, Vol. 31, No. 7, July 2009, pp. 29-33

M. Gendreau, "The effect of varying acoustic pressure on vibration isolation platforms supported on air springs," Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV16), Kraców, Poland (5 to 9 July 2009)

M. Gendreau, "Measurement techniques used to verify the cause and nature of low-frequency noise in rooms," Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV16), Kraców, Poland (5 to 9 July 2009)

N. Tang, H. Amick, and M. Gendreau, "Long-span truss structures for low-vibration environments," Proceedings of ASCE/SEI Structures 2009 Congress, Austin TX, USA (30 April to 2 May 2009), pp. 2829-2835

M. Gendreau, N. Tang, H. Amick, C. Wu, "Mode Selection for Footfall Analysis of Floors," Proceedings of IMAC XXVII Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando FL, USA (9 to 12 February 2009)

M. Gendreau, "Generic Noise Criterion Curves for Sensitive Equipment," Invited Presentation, Proceedings of Acoustics 08 Paris, Paris, France (29 June to 4 July 2008)

B. Xiong, H. Amick, and M. Gendreau, "The Effect of Buildings on Ground Vibration Propagation," Proceedings of National Conference on Noise Control Engineering (Noise-Con 2007), Reno NV, USA (22 October 2007)

H. Amick, M. Gendreau, and N. Wongprasert, "Centile Spectra, Measurement Times, and other Statistics of Ambient Ground Vibration," Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Environmental Vibrations: Prediction, Monitoring, Mitigation and Evaluation (ISEV2005), Okayama University, Okayama, Japan (20 to 22 September 2005), pp. 547-552

H. Amick and M. Gendreau, "Evolving Criteria for Research Facilities I: Vibration," Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), San Diego CA, USA (July 2005)

T. Busch, M. Gendreau, and H. Amick, "Vibration and Noise Criteria used to Evaluate Environmental Impacts of Transportation Sensitive Facilities," Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), San Diego CA, USA (July 2005)

M. Gendreau and H. Amick, Semiconductor Manufacturing Handbook Chapter 39 Micro-Vibration and Noise Design, ed. H. Geng, McGraw-Hill, 2005

H. Amick, M. Gendreau, and T. Xu, "On the Appropriate Timing for Facility Vibration Surveys," Semiconductor Fabtech, No. 25, March 2005, Cleanroom Section

M. Gendreau and H. Amick, "'Maturation' of the Vibration and Noise Environments in Semiconductor Production Facilities," Journal of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (JIEST), 2005

M. Gendreau , "Noise in Cleanrooms Served by Fan-Filter Units: Design Considerations," Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV11), St. Petersburg, Russia (5 to 8 July 2004), pp. 2461-2468

M. Gendreau and H. Amick, "'Maturation' of the Vibration and Noise Environments in Semiconductor Production Facilities," Proceedings of ESTECH 2004, 50th Annual Technical Meeting, Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST), Las Vegas NV, USA (28 April 2004)

H. Amick, T. Xu, and M. Gendreau, "The Role of Buildings and Slabs-on-Grade in the Suppression of Low-Amplitude Ambient Ground Vibrations," Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (11th ICSDEE) & the 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (3rd ICEGE), Berkeley CA, USA (7 to 9 January 2004). pp. 877-881

M. Gendreau, H. Amick and T. Xu, "The Effects of Ground Vibrations on Nanotechnology Research Facilities," Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (11th ICSDEE) & the 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (3rd ICEGE), Berkeley CA, USA (7 to 9 January 2004), pp. 905-910

T. Xu, H. Amick, and M. Gendreau, "Vibration Design of 300 mm Wafer Fabs," Proceedings of SEMI Technology Symposium (STS), SEMICON China 2003, Shanghai, China, (12 to 14 March 2003), pp. 32-39

H. Amick, M. Gendreau, and C. G. Gordon, "Facility Vibration Issues for Nanotechnology Research," Proceedings of the Symposium on Nano Device Technology 2002, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2 to 3 May 2002), pp. 107-110

M. Gendreau, "Specification of the effects of acoustic noise on optical tools," Noise & Vibration Worldwide, Vol. 32, No. 4, April 2001, pp. 17-22

H. Amick and M. Gendreau, "Construction Vibrations and Their Impact on Vibration-Sensitive Facilities," Proceedings of the Sixth Construction Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Orlando FL, USA, (February 2000), pp. 758-767

M. Gendreau and M. Wu, "Environmental Noise Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing Facilities," Proceedings of Inter-Noise 99: The 1999 Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Fort Lauderdale FL, USA (December 1999), pp. 1099-1104

H. Amick, M. Gendreau, and A. Bayat, "Dynamic Characteristics of Structures Extracted from In-situ Testing," Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Vol. 3786, Denver CO, USA (July 1999), pp. 40-63

M. Gendreau, "Effects of Acoustic Noise on Optical Equipment," Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Vol. 3786, Denver CO, USA (July 1999), pp. 4-13

Presentations without Proceedings, Workshops and Tutorials

M. Gendreau, "Acoustics: The impact of low-frequency sound (infrasound) on imaging equipment in nanoscale research," ESTECH 2010 Nanotechnology Seminar, Reno NV, 5 May 2010

M. Gendreau and H. Amick, "Mechanical and Footfall Vibration Impact to Healthcare Facilities: Criteria and Design Strategies based on Research and Case Studies," Invited Presentation for 2009 Winter Conference of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), Chicago IL, USA, 26 January 2009

H. Amick and M. Gendreau, "‘Vibration Kills' and Other Lessons from the Trenches," Invited Presentation for Acoustics 08 Paris, Paris, France, 3 July 2008

M. Gendreau, "Physics, Psychoacoustics, and Sound Spatialization," Invited Presentation, Mills College, Oakland CA, USA, 14 November 2007

M. Gendreau, Hal Amick, Todd Busch, and Stephen Jaeger, "Introduction to Vibration, Acoustics, and Noise," AIA Convention 2006, Room 303 Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles CA, USA, 7 June 2006 (3.75 LUs)

Hal Amick, M. Gendreau, Ahmad Soueid, and Tom Vogt, "Nanotechnology and its Required Environment: Facilities for Nanoscale Research," IEST 2005 Fall Conference, Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Schaumburg IL, USA, 14 November 2005

M. Gendreau and B. Sennewald, "Infrasound in laboratories: criteria, phenomena, and design," Meeting of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE): Buildings for Nanoscale Research and Beyond, San Diego CA, USA (1 August 2005)

H. Amick, A. Chasey, and M. Gendreau, "Tool or Facility – What Should it Be? Reconciling Differences between Production Equipment Needs and Facility Support," 1st ISMI Symposium on Manufacturing Effectiveness, SEMATECH, Austin TX, USA, 27 October 2004

M. Gendreau, "Vibration Design in Advanced Technology Buildings," Invited Keynote Presentation for The Scandinavian Vibration Society (SVIB) Vibrationsdagen, Norges Geotekniske Institutt (NGI), Oslo, Norway, 25 November 2003

H. Amick and M. Gendreau, "Getting the Right Vibration and Acoustics Performance at the Right Cost," Invited Presentation for the 2003 International Conference on Nanotechnology Research Facilities and Labs, Tradeline Conference Series, San Antonio TX, USA, 9 October 2003

M. Gendreau, "Building Design for Advanced Technology Instruments Sensitive to Acoustical Noise," Invited Seminar, presented at Buildings for Advanced Technology Workshop, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, USA, 14 January 2003

H. Amick, M. Gendreau, and C. G. Gordon, "Vibrations of Raised Access Floors," Invited Paper, presented at the First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics; 144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, 2 December 2002

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